WoW Patch 7.2 Coming March 28th!
By: Evette Suarez
If you play World of Warcraft, I am sure you are already aware of the massive patch that is coming, and if not and you have been living under a rock, then I am here to help fill in the blanks. It has been confirmed that the highly-anticipated patch will be dropping on March 28th which is coming up fast. I will touch on briefly what it is that I have found by digging around the vast universe that is otherwise known as the internet and the things that most stuck out to me.
First and foremost, the thing I am most excited about are the flying mounts that are unique to the class; some look awesome while others are a little lacking in my opinion but non-the-less I think this idea is excellent. To even get started on obtaining the new addition to your vast and hopefully very full mount inventory you must reach exalted with armies of Legion fall which is a brand-new faction. Not only do you have to do this but you also must complete the Broken Shore campaign which is spaced out over several weeks. I will add a link below so that you can check out these majestic mounts for yourself.
A new zone is also being added called the Broken Shore and with this new area comes new world quests, helping to construct buildings and collect nethershards. Now if you have been playing World of Warcraft then you may already know what nethershards are and may even have a pile of them sitting around collecting dust; if this is the case, then you are already ahead of the game. All the nethershards you find and collect can go towards the purchase of gear tokens, items for legendary crafting and transmog. Not only this but if you long to be whole and achievements are your thing then the nethersahrds can be a stepping stone toward that goal as well; this achievement is called Breaching the Tomb and is part of the lengthy Legionfall campaign.
Now onward to talk about buildings, when I first read of having to build things my mind instantaneously went back to Warlords of Draenor and the daunting task of garrisons. Let me be the first to say this is not at all like garrisons and thank goodness for that. In this patch, there are three buildings all offering up different strategic advantages once completed. What I like about this though is that Blizzard went above and beyond to keep you busy and make this task not so easy. While you are building, the legion will come and attack your buildings. Yes, I said that correctly and you’re not imaging things. So, if you are close to being done and the Legion decides to go all Bowser on your little settlement, then you must start all over again. We will see how this plays out I hope that I get to build in peace without having to rage quit; just kidding.
With all this information left to stew in your brain, I leave you on this note. Blizzard is making this patch and some things we will hate, some things we will endure and other things we will love. Please don’t be the troll in trade chat that repeatedly bashes the game just because something did not work out for you. With video games, you are never going to be able to satisfy everyone but Blizzard being the awesome people that they are trying to do just that even though it’s impossible. Happy patch day everyone.